Monday, September 12, 2011

Medicare approved diabetic shoes and inserts

Did you know that Medicare will help pay most of the cost of diabetic shoes with or without inserts per calendar year?  The goal is to help prevent limb loss due to diabetes.  With diabetes, your body's defense is not up to par like it used to be.  If you or somebody you know has diabetes, tell them about this program set up by Medicare.  As a foot specialist, Foot Care Plus, LLC can help.  Call us at (816) 434-5906.

1 comment:

  1. Its really a great program to provide proper footwear and inserts for people with diabetes who qualify under Medicare Part B. These shoes are designed to prevent complications such as lower limb ulcers and amputations for individuals who suffer from diabetes. Thanks a lot.

    Medicare Approved Diabetic Shoes
