Saturday, September 10, 2011

Heel Pain

Do you or someone you know has heel pain?  The most common heel pain diagnosis is plantar fasciitis.  It is the pain that commonly associates with pain with first step in the morning.  The pain usually starts at the inside heel then spreads out to the bottom of the foot.  Here are the steps to help you get some relief.  Remember, consult with us if you have any concerns before doing these simple exercises.  (1) Get a long elastic band and use it to stretch your foot before stepping down the bed every morning.  (2) Place your hands against a wall, bend your knee of the unaffected side, and lean on the knee to feel the stretch of your calf on the affected extremity.  (Do not stretch to cause pain, just enough to stretch that large muscle on your calf).  (3) Get iced plastic bottle of water and roll it under your affected foot.  Constant motion from heel to balls of the foot.  (4) Use a golf or tennis ball and perform a deep massage by rolling it under your foot.  (5) Get some good OTC orthotics.  Arch support is very important.  Ladies, this is a good excuse to wear some 2-3 inches heel.  The heel lift gives the muscle some room to relax, therefore helping the pain to decrease.  Call us at (816) 434-5906 if you got questions.  We are here to get you back on your feet.

1 comment:

  1. We offers prime services and solutions, with the goal of providing the best and latest technology in Heel Pain,Arch Pain, Foot Corns and Orthopedic Solutions. Also provides Blood Pressure Monitors and Healthcare Products
